Image Manager

The Image Manager in cPanel allows you to view and modify images in your account. You can change the size of your images, convert their file type or just view them.

To access the Image Manager:

  1. Log into cPanel.
  2. In the Advanced section, click the Image Manager icon.

From there, you can access the following tools:

  • Thumbnailer
  • Image Scaler
  • Convert Image Format


Thumbnailer allows users to create smaller, thumbnail-sized versions of all images in a defined directory of a website, reducing bandwidth usage. The Thumbnailer application can only be applied to an entire directory; it cannot be used on individual images.

Converting Images to Thumbnails

  1. In the Image Manager, click on the Thumbnailer link. A copy of your home directory will then appear.
  2. Click on the folder beside the directory name for the directory that you are trying to access.
  3. Click the name of the folder to create thumbnails for the images in that directory.
  4. You will then be prompted with the following options:
    • Scale Percent
    • Keep Aspect Ratio
    • Reset Dimensions
  5. Once completed, click Thumbnail Images.

Once the Image Manager has finished resizing images, a thumbnails directory will be created in the selected folder with the prefix tn_.

Image Scaler

The Image Scaler allows users to change the size of a individual images on a website. With this tool, users can key in percentages to scale an image up or down.

Rescaling an Image

  1. In the Image Manager, click on the Image Scaler link. A copy of your home directory will then appear.
  2. Click on the folder beside the directory name for the directory that you are trying to access.
  3. Click the name of the file to be scaled.
  4. You will then be able to scale the image by means of setting the new dimensions or scaling by percentage.
  5. In addition, you can also toggle the following options:
    • Keep Aspect Ratio
    • Retain a copy of the old image as...
    • Reset Dimensions
  6. Once completed, click Scale Image.

On the next screen, you will be then provided a clickable link to view the newly scaled image.

Convert Image Format (jpg,gif,bmp,etc)

The Convert Image Format tool allows you to change the format of an image to another file type, such as changing a .jpg file to a .bmp file. This tool only converts directories and not individual files.

Converting Image Format

  1. In the Image Manager, click the Convert Image Format (jpg, gif, bmp. etc)link. A copy of your home directory will then appear.
  2. Click on the folder beside the directory name for the directory that you are trying to access.
  3. Click the name of the directory to be converted.
  4. Select a file format to convert the files to:
    • .png
    • .gif
    • .jpg
    • .bmp
  1. Click Convert.

Once finished with the file conversion, the new files will be placed in the same directory as the original by default,.

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