Location of Script Configuration Files
These paths are relative to the root of the script, not the account nor domain. So if it's a vBulletin forum, under /home/username/www/forum/, the configuration file would be in /home/username/www/forum/includes/config.php
4Images Gallery | /config.php |
B2 Evolution | /conf/_basic_config.php |
Boonex Dolphin | /inc/header.inc.php |
Concrete5 | /site/config.php |
Coppermine Photo Gallery | /include/config.inc.php |
Crafty Syntax Live Help | /config.php |
Cube Cart | /includes/global.inc.php |
dotProject | /includes/config.php |
Drupal | /sites/default/settings.php |
e107 | /e107_config.php |
FAQMasterFlex | /faq_config.php |
Gallery | /config.php |
Geeklog | /db-config.php /siteconfig.php /lib-common.php |
glfusion | /private/db-config.php |
Hotaru | /hotaru_settings.php |
Joomla | /configuration.php |
LiveSite | \local\config\lib\content_center\ livesite_customer_src\etc\conf\livesite_customer\database.properties |
LifeType | /config/config.properties.php |
Magento | /app/etc/local.xml |
Mambo | /configuration.php |
MODx | /core/config/config.inc.php |
Moodle | /config.php |
MyBB | /inc/config.php |
Noahs Classifieds | /app/config.php |
Nucleus | /config.php |
ocPortal | /info.php |
osCommerce | /includes/configure.php /admin/includes/configure.php |
PHP-Nuke | /config.php |
phpBB | /config.php |
phpFormGenerator | /index.php /mysql.class.php |
phpFreeChat | (only if you have saved form input to a database) /forms/admin/config.inc.php |
PHPlist | /config/config.php |
phpMyDirectory | /defaults.php |
phpWCMS | /include/inc_conf/conf.inc.php |
phpWebSite | /conf/config.php |
PhpWiki | /admin.php /lib/config.php |
Pligg | /libs/dbconnect.php |
Post-Nuke | /config.php |
Saurus CMS | /config.php |
Siteframe | /config.php |
SMF | /Settings.php |
Soholaunch | /sohoadmin/config/isp.conf.php |
Textpattern | /textpattern/config.php |
Tiki | /db/local.php |
Trendy Site Builder | (not applicable) |
TYPO3 | /typo3conf/localconf.php |
vBulletin | /includes/config.php |
WebCalendar | /includes/settings.php |
WHMCS | /configuration.php |
WordPress | /wp-config.php |
X7 Chat | /config.php |
Xoops | /mainfile.php |
Zen Cart | /includes/configure.php /admin/includes/configure.php |
Zikula | /config.php |