How to cancel your subscription via AVG MyAccount
You can cancel your AVG subscription via AVG MyAccount. The AVG MyAccount is an optional service and is not created automatically for all customers.
To cancel your subscription from AVG MyAccount, please follow these steps:
- Visit the AVG MyAccount login page and use your email address and password to log in.
Tip: If you receive a message that your email address is not in our database, please follow the article Create an AVG MyAccount and please create your account with the email that you used when you originally purchased your AVG product. - Once logged into the AVG MyAccount, click My Subscriptions at the top of the page.
- Click the arrow button next to your product to expand the product description, and then
- Click Cancel Subscription.
- Click Cancel Subscription in the pop-up to confirm the action.
The extension for the next period will be cancelled and you will not be billed further.
Request a refund for an automatically extended subscription
If your subscription was automatically extended, but you do not wish to continue using the product, you may request a refund. Please note that if we provide a refund, you will no longer be able to use the paid features of your subscription.
To request a refund please do the following:
- Visit the AVG AVG Sales Support page.
- Click Request a refund.
- Follow the instructions and fill in the form to submit the refund request.
Contact us to cancel your subscription or request a refund
If you cannot cancel your subscription by following the steps above, or you want to request a refund, please visit the AVG Sales Support page for a list of contact options, as well as a quick way to request a refund.