Linux Application Paths

Linux Application Paths - What is the path to ...?

All of the paths in this article use an example home directory of /home/username. For the correct home directory path to replace this with you may check the Home Directory path listed in your cPanel under Account Information in the left hand side bar.

Once you have identified your correct home directory, simply replace /home/usernamewith the correct directory path.

Here is a list of commonly used paths:

The webroot path is /home/username/public_html

The path to your email is /home/username/mail/domain.tld/user's name/

The save session path is /home/username/tmp

The path to AWStats is /home/username/tmp/awstats

The path to cgi is /home/username/public_html/cgi-bin/

The path to Perl is /usr/local/bin/perl

The local path to Sendmail is /usr/sbin/sendmail

The path to PHP is /usr/local/bin/php

The path to PHP 5.5 on shared & reseller servers is /opt/php55/bin/php

The path to PHP 5.6 on shared & reseller servers is /opt/php56/bin/php

The path to MySQL is /var/lib/mysql

The path to Mysqldump is /usr/bin/mysqldump

The path to Pear is /usr/local/bin/pear

The path to Python is /usr/bin/python

The path to Python 2.7 is /usr/bin/python2.7

The path to openSSL is /usr/bin/openssl

The FTP root path is /home/username/ (only accessible if using the cPanel login)

The path to Aspell is /usr/bin/aspell

The local path to ImageMagick is /usr/bin/

The local path to convert with ImageMagick is one of the following...

  • /usr/bin/convert
  • /usr/local/bin/convert
  • /usr/bin/X11/convert
The path to the GD2 library is /usr/lib

The path to the GD2 include directory is /usr/include

The path to rsync is /usr/bin/rsync

Path to ghostscript is /usr/bin/ghostscript

Path to Exim logs is /var/log/exim_mainlog

Path to Alias files is /etc/valiases/

The path to PHPmyadmin is

The path for sbin is /usr/sbin - but is not accessable.

The path for cgi-sys is /var/cpanel/cgi-sys

The path to Apache on a Linux server is /usr/local/apache

The path to Get is /usr/bin/GET

The path to LYNX is /usr/bin/lynx

The path to WGET is /usr/bin/wget

The path to CURL is /usr/bin/curl

The path to FFMPEG is /usr/bin/ffmpeg (requires VPS or dedicated server with FFMPEG installed)
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